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Monday, March 26, 2012

Dear Diary
This is the fifth day of my second week in the Mill.
Yesterday at the mill they made me horrible things such as torturing me and giving me extra hours only because I told my boss that it was to heavy my box of machine pieces and that it was too much to clean on nine hours.

The good part was that yesterday we had five hours instead of two of class because my workmates were to fast so we finished before the expected time and we had nothing to do. Only resting. And also a new child arrived and is working just next to me. He is a very nice person but both his father and mother died a week ago so he´s always sad, but he is talking a little bit more since I gave him the half of my lunch because he didn´t worked so our boss didn`t gave him anything. I am very sick and im not going to the factory, that´s the good part but the bad one it´s that how my family doesn`t have money to call the doctor I can die.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Agra Fort, India

Here it´s true that Hisham Abbas recorded a video here and also the thing of the war. But   it´s false that was a prision.